Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Fire and Gas (FGS) System

A fire and gas system is composed of sensors, logic solver, and final elements designed to detect combustible gas, toxic gas, or fire and either

a) Alarm the condition

b) Takes the process to safe state

c) Take action to mitigate the consequences of hazardous event

Sensors may consist of heat, smoke, flame, and gas detectors, along with manual call boxes. Logic systems may consist of conventional PLCs, distributed control system (DCS), safety PLCs, special purpose PLCs designed specifically for FGS applications or dedicated multi-loop FGS controllers. Final elements may consist of flashing/strobe lights, sirens, a telephone notification system, exploding squibs, deluge systems, suppression systems, and/or process shutdowns.

Safety Instrumented Systems, Design, Analysis and Justification 2nd Edition Paul Gruhn, and Harry L.Cheddie


What is a safety instrumented system (SIS)?

Safety interlock system, safety instrumented system, safety shutdown system, emergency shutdown system, protective instrument system-the assorted names go on and on!

These systems are designed to :

a) Permit to process to move forward in a safe manner when specified conditions allow, or

b) Automatically take the process to a safe state when specified conditions are violated, or

c) Take action to mitigate the consequence of industrial hazad.

Safety Instrumented Systems, Design, Analysis and Justification 2nd Edition Paul Gruhn, and Harry L.Cheddie

Internal FAT Seligi

Now, I'm involved with Seligi C and E upgrade. Today, I'm plan to internal test for Infrared Hydrocarbon Gas Detector model Det-tonics. Hopefully smooth cause I'm no experienced with this devices.

Monday, July 14, 2008



Trisystem akan berpindah office

Trisystem akan berpindah office tahun hadapan.


